
Pain is an output of our brain and I have a story about it.

My son was maybe 2 or 3 years old when one day I had to come running to him. He was screaming as if he was in excruciating pain. He was sitting on the table drawing with felt tip pens and I couldn’t immediately see what could have been the cause of the disaster. Then he showed me his index finger which had a red scratch. My immediate thought was, he has cut himself. Then I took a closer look. The scratch was just a pen mark. He has actually drawn on himself and there was no blood, no wound. Once I told him that, he stopped wailing and calmly continued his work.

What actually happened?

Dr Lorimer Mosely is a neuroscientist and says that pain is an output of our brain designed to protect us and is not actually coming from the tissues of our bodies. Take a look at his lecture:

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