
A friend of mine made me think once about the power of intention. He was telling me about his sister. “She really is into Feng Shui now. And it works, for real!”, he said. ”She decided that she wants a boyfriend. And she did put some objects in a certain way in certain places around the house and now she has a boyfriend!”.

I had to stop and think about that. Is it really about how you place the objects in your house, is this what brings the change? Or is there something more than that?

Every day I get on my mat to do my yoga practice and it makes a real difference if I set my intentions right.

Not once, all the time. If I know what I want to do and keep thinking about the steps I need to make to achieve it, I jump through my arms and sit gracefully on floor. If I am distracted by what happened yesterday or imagining what I am having for breakfast after practice, I fall clumsily on my bum. 

And that is exactly why a regular yoga practice is so good. This insight is so easily transferable to our everyday life. My friend’s sister has identified her wish very clearly. And by putting the objects in that particular way she has set her intention. And this is already half the work done. If she keeps her focus she will do what’s necessary and the boyfriend will materialise.

There is all this talk about the Universe that can materialise the things we want with all our hearts. Well, it’s not the Universe, it is our clear intention. If we just think “I really want to be happy” from the bottom of our hearts, the Universe will be totally incapable to help us out because this is so general a wish. But if we identify what makes us happy – dancing, deeper relationships, a meaningful occupation, whatever, we are already halfway there – we can find a dance class, have a sincere conversation with a friend or change our job.

So, what is your focus for today, for this morning, for the next hour? Can you tap into the power of intention?

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