
Online yoga has been around for a while, especially recorded videos and streaming classes. Guided interactive classes though, where the teaching is similar to an in-person class, are here pretty much only since the pandemic. I myself had a very strong resistance to going online but have since grown to appreciate it a great deal. So here are some of the benefits of doing online yoga that make it a good option for a lot of people.

1. Unobstructed view

No more craning necks to see the teacher from the back of the room. If your device is a reasonable size and you set it up properly, you are always on the front raw. Similarly, the teacher has an excellent view of everyone.

2. Control over your environment

If you are cold, turn on the heating. If you are warm, open the window. Nobody will mind. Candles, essential oils – you can make it as special or simple as you want.

3. Convenience

You skip the commute and you don’t have to think about parking or travelling times. How about a cup of tea after class, instead of jumping on a busy bus. You might even have the next meal in the oven while you are practicing. If you are working from home, you can choose a lunch time yoga class. You don’t need a babysitter, if the children are around. And you are not missing that important delivery.

4. Economy

Taking yoga classes online is usually cheaper than in person. In addition, you don’t pay for travelling there and back, parking or childcare.

5. Flexibility

You are free to move around during the class. You can come and go at will, without feeling uncomfortable or disturbing the flow. Toilet break is never an issue.

6. No measuring

As everybody is a just a small box on your screen, you can’t measure yourself against them. Then yoga becomes what it is meant to be – an internal practice of self exploration rather than a competition in flexibility or a better pants contest.

7. Lower carbon footprint

And last but not least, yes, it is better for the planet if we reduce our time in vehicles going to and back from our health and wellness classes. Connecting with our breath and then going out to expel (and then inhale) some fumes into the environment doesn’t make much sense, does it.

Related articles:

Yoga online – how to prepare and what to expect

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

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