
The benefits of pregnancy massage for both mum and baby have been well researched and documented.

Prenatal depression

It is estimated that one in seven women will experience persistent symptoms of depression during pregnancy.

There is no single cause why women develop mental health difficulties during this period. Among the common contributing factors are uncertainty about parenthood and physical complications in pregnancy. And also changes in relationships and social life and any other significant stressful events.

Prenatal depression is a potential risk factor for many adverse perinatal complications. For example, a greater incidence of prematurity and low birthweight, as well as more frequent intensive care at birth. Prenatal depression also contributes to greater activity levels in the fetus, elevated resting heart rate, and increased heart rate reactivity.

A study in 1999 found that massage therapy reduces prenatal depression and decreases salivary and urinary cortisol levels. Pregnant women were given either massage therapy or relaxation therapy. After 20-min sessions twice per week for 5 weeks, the massage therapy group reported less depressed mood, and they had fewer perinatal complications.

Fewer perinatal complications

In a subsequent study, clinically depressed pregnant women were randomly assigned to a massage therapy, relaxation therapy or control group. They were compared to each other and to a non-depressed group at the end of the pregnancy. The massage and relaxation therapy groups received two 20-min therapy sessions per week for the last trimester of pregnancy. Once again the massaged women had less depressed mood and disturbed sleep patterns, as well as less pain, lower stress hormones and fewer perinatal complications including a lower incidence of prematurity.

A 2009 study found that not only did massage decrease depression and low back pain but the massaged women had fewer prenatal complications including a 75% lower prematurity rate and an 80% lower incidence of low birthweight. Their newborns were also had lower cortisol levels and performed better on the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment habituation, orientation and motor scales.

Less pain

A 2011 study again confirmed that yoga and massage therapy reduce prenatal depression and prematurity.

Eighty-four prenatally depressed women were randomly assigned to yoga, massage therapy or standard prenatal care control groups. Following 12 weeks both therapy groups versus the control group had a greater decrease on depression, anxiety and back and leg pain scales and a greater increase on a relationship scale.


According to a review of the scientific literature done in 2021, the main benefits of massage during pregnancy are:

  • reduced stress, back and leg pain, depression and anxiety;
  • increased immune response; increased serotonin and dopamine levels;
  • higher fetal birth weight and reduced risk of preterm delivery.

If you wish to receive the benefits of regular pregnancy massage, I am now introducing a special offer. Get 5 weekly or bi-weekly treatments and receive the next one for free!

Get in touch to book now!

Warm Hands