
The truth about yoga (and many other things by the way) is that you only fully get the results if you stick to it. Yes, you can feel better after a single class, but the real benefits come when you start practicing regularly. More than once a week, ideally (almost) every day. That is why it is vital to create the time and the space to practice on your own. So here are 7 tips to establish a regular yoga practice.

1Plan it

Choose the day and the time and put it in your calendar. In that way you will remember do the preparation as well, like going to bed a bit earlier for example. For many years after I had my second baby and things were chaotic and unpredictable, I had my yoga practice in my calendar and this was my reminder that I need to carve the space for myself in a busy life and then to protect and respect it.

2. Start small

It doesn’t have to be a long and demanding practice to start with. If you choose to grow it, you can always do that according to your needs and preferences. Even 10 minutes are better than nothing. And it doesn’t have to be the same length every time. You can do less if you are tired or don’t have enough time. Showing up is the most important part.

3. Make it easy to begin

Have your props out and visible. Going to the loft for the yoga mat or rummaging thought the closet for the blanket won’t make it more likely to use them.

4. Practice as early in the day as you can

Practicing first thing in your day before everything else starts putting demands on your time and attention makes it much more likely to actually spend time on the yoga mat. And you get to enjoy the benefits all day long!

5. Do something pleasurable and joyful

Roll your shoulders, inhale your arms up. Roll on your back, do a simple twist. Rest with your legs up on a chair. Put your hands on your belly and breathe. Anything that makes you feel good is a great start today and you will want to do it again tomorrow.

6. Notice the effects of your practice

Have a moment in between poses and at the end of your practice to notice how you feel. Notice the sensations in your body but also any thoughts and feelings that might come up. Then pay attention throughout your day if you feel any different.

7. Thank yourself for showing up

Whatever your practice was like, be grateful that you did it. Appreciate the effort you made and the time you spent on your mat reconnecting to yourself.

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