
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of yoga? Stretchy, bendy, female, young and in a pretzel? Most likely. I am not even sure that strength is associated with yoga so much, it’s mostly perceived as a training in flexibility for the already able. So, what are the 5 benefits of yoga beyond flexibility (and strength) that you might be missing out on?

1. Self awareness

Another fancy word for self awareness is interoception – it is actually one of our senses that interestingly didn’t quite make it to the official list. It is the sense that tells us what is happening within our bodies. In addition, it holds the key to understanding pain science better and helps us understand where emotions come from and how to regulate them better.

Self awareness is at the very heart of what we do on the yoga mat. In a yoga practice we are constantly challenged to sense ourselves while moving and holding the poses. We are encouraged to sense and feel deep into territories that we don’t visit too often.

This is one of the main opportunities that yoga presents for everyone as ironically we don’t pay enough attention to our internal world. And if we do start to turn inwards from time to time we may be surprised to find old patters and habits that don’t serve us very well anymore. And even get a glimpse at the possibility to change them.

2. No set goals

Yoga doesn’t set goals as in ‘you need to be able to run 10K at the end of the season’ or ‘you have to increase your strength 10-fold or ‘have a 6-pack’. No set goal is a benefit that is largely underrated in our culture.

Of course you can bring your goals into yoga but they can be very different for every individual. It can be measurable like strength or more mobility. Or not – pausing, breathing and reconnecting with ourselves, listening and moving in unfamiliar ways are all worthy goals. And if you have tried to work towards them you would know that it is not always easy. In fact, it is extremely hard because we are trained to push and hasten to achieve and to keep our eyes on the external goals.

The truth is, we all need a break!

3. Yoga is inclusive

Inclusivity means that each person’s needs can be met. I realise that this is not the image of yoga that is projected out into the world most aggressively.

But if you have a body that is breathing, you can do yoga!

We have amazing bodies that are capable of changing and evolving and healing no matter our age or stage or history. And yoga can be adapted for every body. You can sit in a chair and do yoga, or even lie in bed and practice. There are so many props and techniques that can help and benefit all.

4. Mental calm, centredness and stress reduction

Now, this one benefit from yoga is starting to gain popularity. In the last 2-3 years the narrative around mental health has changed a lot. As a start, we have started talking about it more freely. Many people now realise that our thoughts and emotions play a significant role for our general health and wellbeing.

Without a doubt, stress is a major factor in our lives. And yoga is well equipped to help us deal with it and counteract the overstimulation, the worries and the hyperactivity of the modern life.

Even scientists are increasingly interested in the resources we can gain from yoga. A study done in 2020 showed that positive engagement, revitalisation, and tranquility increased after just one yoga session.

5. Social participation and support

This is the last in the list of the 5 benefits from yoga that you might be missing out on now, but not the least. Loneliness is a serious public-health problem. The reason for that is that lonely people are not just sadder, they are unhealthier and die younger. Being part of a yoga community, meeting the same people every week can be a meaningful social interaction that might make a difference in our longevity and wellbeing for many of us.

If you would like to join our friendly yoga community, we meet online on Mondays at 12 pm and Fridays at 9 am during term time. Or we can arrange a 1-2-1 yoga to support you with your specific needs a goals.

All bodies welcome!

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