“I didn’t realise I was carrying so much tension! Why an I so tense?” This is a common phrase I hear in my practice. Oftentimes, a client will come in for a massage, and when I work on their legs, …
What is Parasitic Tension and How to Start Getting Rid of It
What is Parasitic Tension? The term comes from the Feldenkrais Method, which is a movement awareness practice. Parasitic tension refers to the extra muscle tensing that happens beyond what’s needed for a specific movement. Imagine you’re reaching for a glass …
Are You Balancing Well: How Yoga Can Help You Remain Steady As You Age
Balance is our ability to maintain a stable position. It is one of the essential physical skills that we need to have as we age. So are you balancing well? We are keeping balance all the time. Walking is a …
Proactive, Not Reactive: Regular Thai Massage Keeps You Feeling Your Best
I feel amazing!I haven’t slept that well for a long time!My body feels longer and looser!The tension subsided significantly!This was so relaxing! This is some of the feedback I often get after even one treatment. Thai massage can melt away …
Fascia: The Key to Changing Your Body and Mind
Fascia – the network of connective tissue that envelops every muscle, bone, nerve, and organ, has long been overlooked in the world of health and wellness. However, research in the past several decades has shed light on its crucial role …
Nothing compares to a stony strip
I am sitting on a sandy beach but there is a wide strip of stones between me and the sea. My feet complain every time I go in and out of the water. I am trying to make myself lighter …
How would you live your day if
How would you live your day if it was your last?And I don’t mean what would you do, like, would you reach for the bucket list in the bottom drawer or go to bed and pull the blanket over your …
About Clarity and Confusion: My Decade of Being Lost
I have been living in countries that are foreign to me for more than 10 years now. I call this my decade of being lost and it taught me a lot about clarity and confusion. Three of these years I …
The story my knees have to tell
My knees have a story to tell. They have always been a little funny. As early as my twenties I used to go hiking a lot and it was always my knees that I felt the most. They felt vulnerable and unstable, especially when …
Feeling well is not a given
Feeling well is not a given. Life throws curveballs at us constantly – from unexpected bills to relationship woes. Stress seems to be a constant companion, and even the most seemingly innocuous tasks, like sitting at a desk all day, …