I have been practicing Thai massage for years now. And the deeper I get into the practice, the more I am fascinated by it. Here are 5 things that I love about Thai massage. The stretches I came to Thai …
Sitting all day? This 5 minute movement snack can help
Are you sitting all day? Well, you are hardly alone. According to the NHS, many adults in the UK spend around 9 hours a day sitting. This includes watching TV, using a computer, reading, doing homework, travelling by car, bus …
4 ways of sitting that may affect your feet
Our feet are amazing! Each one of them is made up of 26 bones, 30 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. Can you believe it? It’s no wonder they are so complicated though. Our feet provide us with essential support, …
One surprising reason for fertility issues
Did you know that not having enough fat and doing enormous amounts of exercise could be contributing to your fertility issues?
All levels flow class: 5 reasons it doesn’t really work
Don’t fall for the all levels flow yoga class. Here is why these classes don’t really work
Bodies in emergency: How does stress affect your fertility
I am reading a book called Why zebras don’t get ulcers by Robert M. Sapolsky which is all about stress and our health and I find it fascinating. There is so much in the book that I highly recommend you read all of …
Stand up straight or what is a good posture
We are used to thinking that good posture means standing up straight with our shoulders pulled back. You might have heard that from your parents or you might have even had someone stand behind you pulling your shoulders back to …
Keeping your spine healthy: what triggers degenerative disc disease
What is degenerative disc disease The spine is made up of 33 vertebrae. Between each pair of vertebrae there is a fibrous disc with a softer cartilage core. In a healthy spine, these discs cushion and allow the vertebrae to …
Do you need a reason to lie down? Here are two
Do you get up in the morning and just keep going until it is time for bed? Can you allow yourself to lie down even for several minutes during the day? Do you need a reason to lie down? Here …
Yoga for posture improvement: The 7 steps to better posture
Upcoming course – Yoga for posture improvement: The 7 steps to better posture Your posture not only affects how you look. It also affects your overall wellbeing. And even possibly how long you live. Improving posture isn’t something you can …