What would you say – when it comes to breathing, oxygen is the good guy and carbon dioxide is the bad guy, right? We want oxygen and we get rid of carbon dioxide, isn’t that so? If you have ever …
How have you nourished yourself today? Musings after a holiday
How have you nourished yourself today? How do your body and mind feel? What do they need?What would bring in energy and focus for you to do all of the things that you need to do for your job, for …
What is the difference between Thai massage and Thai yoga massage?
Many people come for massage with me and tell me ‘I’ve had a Thai massage before but I haven’t had Thai yoga massage’. So what is the difference? The answer: None. Thai massage, Thai yoga massage, traditional Thai massage, Thai …
The Condition That You Might Not Know You Have
Have you heard about sarcopenia? No? I am not surprised. Nevertheless, it is the condition that you might not know you have as it affects pretty much everyone. We all know about osteoporosis which is the process of bone loss …
The stress-pain connection – understanding our beautiful bodies
Leon Chaitow explains the stress-pain connection in his book How to overcome pain. “Stress affects both the body and the mind. Stress is the body’s reaction to a change – the stressor -that requires any physical, mental or emotional adjustment …
Bendier than Thou – one thing in yoga classes that I don’t really like
Do you know that “Bendier than Thou” competitive feeling in a class? Have you been on either end of it sometimes? I went to my first ever Pilates class last week. I haven’t been in any movement class for a …
New course – Yoga for posture improvement: Dump the slump
New course Yoga for posture improvement: Dump the slump starts on April 18th Many people have tension and pain in the shoulder and the neck because of collapsed posture. The chest drops down, the shoulders fall forward, the head comes …
Why we need better posture: Having a rounded back carries similar risks as osteoporosis
Why we need better posture? We all know that having a rounded back doesn’t look good on anybody. However, we are much less aware that having a good posture is not only about the way we look. Our posture affects …
Love your belly – 7 benefits of abdominal massage
Abdominal massage is part of Thai yoga massage that sometimes surprises people. “This is the first time I have had something like this”, they say to me. So let’s look at some of the benefits of abdominal massage and why …
Fertility yoga – frequently asked questions
Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about fertility yoga. Is Fertility Yoga suitable for all women who are trying to conceive? Yes, Fertility Yoga has many tools that can be adapted for everyone. How much does it …