What is degenerative disc disease The spine is made up of 33 vertebrae. Between each pair of vertebrae there is a fibrous disc with a softer cartilage core. In a healthy spine, these discs cushion and allow the vertebrae to …

Keeping your spine healthy: what triggers degenerative disc disease

Do you need a reason to lie down? Here are two
Do you get up in the morning and just keep going until it is time for bed? Can you allow yourself to lie down even for several minutes during the day? Do you need a reason to lie down? Here …

Breathe less – the hidden side of carbon dioxide
What would you say – when it comes to breathing, oxygen is the good guy and carbon dioxide is the bad guy, right? We want oxygen and we get rid of carbon dioxide, isn’t that so? If you have ever …

How have you nourished yourself today? Musings after a holiday
How have you nourished yourself today? How do your body and mind feel? What do they need?What would bring in energy and focus for you to do all of the things that you need to do for your job, for …

The stress-pain connection – understanding our beautiful bodies
Leon Chaitow explains the stress-pain connection in his book How to overcome pain. “Stress affects both the body and the mind. Stress is the body’s reaction to a change – the stressor -that requires any physical, mental or emotional adjustment …

Why we need better posture: Having a rounded back carries similar risks as osteoporosis
Why we need better posture? We all know that having a rounded back doesn’t look good on anybody. However, we are much less aware that having a good posture is not only about the way we look. Our posture affects …

The pain gate mechanism: Massage’s role in overcoming pain
I am reading Leon Chaitow’s book How to overcome pain and I found an explanation of massage’s role in what he calls “shutting the pain gate” mechanism. “Touching, rubbing or pressing an area of the body transmits sensations toward the …

Stress can lead to heart attacks and stroke
Stress can lead to heart attacks and stroke, shows a 2017 research published in The Lancet. Chronic stress can be as bad for the health of your heart as smoking, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. Despite the fact that …

Yoga for posture improvement: Supple spine – New Monday yoga course
Yoga for posture improvement: Supple spine – online course You are as young as your spine is supple When: Monday @ 12 pmClass duration: 60 minutesCourse duration: 6 weeks starting on 20 February FREE TRIAL CLASS if you haven’t done yoga …

4 reasons to quit breathing through the mouth now
I want to spend some time today looking at some of the reasons to quit breathing through your mouth. Put that way it might sound to you as if I will talk about smoking. And yes, breathing through the mouth …