The following excerpts are from a John Gray book called Venus on fire, Mars on ice. Like his previous book this one focuses on the differences between men and women and how understanding these can improve our relationships. This time, …
Love Hormone Hacks: Can Oxytocin Help Unlock Your Fertility?
5 things I love about Thai massage
I have been practicing Thai massage for years now. And the deeper I get into the practice, the more I am fascinated by it. Here are 5 things that I love about Thai massage. The stretches I came to Thai …
What is the difference between Thai massage and Thai yoga massage?
Many people come for massage with me and tell me ‘I’ve had a Thai massage before but I haven’t had Thai yoga massage’. So what is the difference? The answer: None. Thai massage, Thai yoga massage, traditional Thai massage, Thai …
Love your belly – 7 benefits of abdominal massage
Abdominal massage is part of Thai yoga massage that sometimes surprises people. “This is the first time I have had something like this”, they say to me. So let’s look at some of the benefits of abdominal massage and why …
The pain gate mechanism: Massage’s role in overcoming pain
I am reading Leon Chaitow’s book How to overcome pain and I found an explanation of massage’s role in what he calls “shutting the pain gate” mechanism. “Touching, rubbing or pressing an area of the body transmits sensations toward the …
I really need to say this: the main principle in Thai massage
The main principle in Thai massage is non-harming. The reason I need to say this is that in my practice I see a lot of people and also meet with their expectations. Let me explain. Little is known for the …
Stress can lead to heart attacks and stroke
Stress can lead to heart attacks and stroke, shows a 2017 research published in The Lancet. Chronic stress can be as bad for the health of your heart as smoking, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. Despite the fact that …
For our body to heal, we have to be in a healing state
For our body to heal, we have to be in a healing state. This is true for our physical body, but also for our emotional body. Our bodies have an amazing capacity to heal. Wounds close, broken bones mend. We …
The danger of normalisation: Is your normal healthy
Is your normal healthy? What is normal Whatever happens to us or whichever way we move, sit and stand over time becomes our normal. But just because we are used to doing things in a certain way which feels established …
6 ways Thai yoga massage can help you
Thai massage is a truly holistic style of bodywork. I once heard someone saying that getting a Thai massage is like going to your massage therapist, then your chiropractor, then your acupuncturist and then to a yoga class, all in …