If you’re on this journey of fertility struggling with getting pregnant, these will all be familiar. My intention is not so much to give information that you might already know. My hope is that this can give a sense of …

Fertility facts and how they are guiding me in my teaching yoga for fertility

A very good description of yoga
I have been studying a psychotherapy system called Bodynamic for a year now. And in an article about it I am finding the following excerpt which if we take away some terminology sounds to me like a very good description …

Celebrating slow movement in a fast paced world
Moving slowly is an effective tool to help change perception, motor control, and threat associated with movement. Here are six reasons to go slow: 1. It’s much better to go slowly if you want to move with deliberate intention and …

What is Parasitic Tension and How to Start Getting Rid of It
What is Parasitic Tension? The term comes from the Feldenkrais Method, which is a movement awareness practice. Parasitic tension refers to the extra muscle tensing that happens beyond what’s needed for a specific movement. Imagine you’re reaching for a glass …

Are You Balancing Well: How Yoga Can Help You Remain Steady As You Age
Balance is our ability to maintain a stable position. It is one of the essential physical skills that we need to have as we age. So are you balancing well? We are keeping balance all the time. Walking is a …

Fascia: The Key to Changing Your Body and Mind
Fascia – the network of connective tissue that envelops every muscle, bone, nerve, and organ, has long been overlooked in the world of health and wellness. However, research in the past several decades has shed light on its crucial role …

Nothing compares to a stony strip
I am sitting on a sandy beach but there is a wide strip of stones between me and the sea. My feet complain every time I go in and out of the water. I am trying to make myself lighter …

About Clarity and Confusion: My Decade of Being Lost
I have been living in countries that are foreign to me for more than 10 years now. I call this my decade of being lost and it taught me a lot about clarity and confusion. Three of these years I …

The story my knees have to tell
My knees have a story to tell. They have always been a little funny. As early as my twenties I used to go hiking a lot and it was always my knees that I felt the most. They felt vulnerable and unstable, especially when …

Building Your Bank of Independence: Why Functional Capacity Matters
What is functional capacity? Functional capacity refers to your ability to perform everyday activities safely and independently. It encompasses a range of physical abilities such as: In addition to these physical abilities, functional capacity can also be influenced by cognitive …