Online yoga has been around for a while, especially recorded videos and streaming classes. Guided interactive classes though, where the teaching is similar to an in-person class, are here pretty much only since the pandemic. I myself had a very …

7 benefits of doing yoga online

What does it mean to be hydrated?
When you hear hydration, you probably think of drinking water. But what does it mean to be hydrated when we talk about the tissues in our bodies? Do we need to drink more water for our tissues to stay hydrated? …

Do as much as you need to…
Do as much as you need to … and as little as possible. I heard this on a podcast from yoga teacher and anatomy expert David Keil and immediately related to it. It reminded me of a true story I …

Need to improve your strength and stamina? Do yoga!
Yoga for strength – online course When: Thursday @ 9.30 amClass duration: 60 minCourse duration: 6 weeks starting on 23 February FREE TRIAL CLASS if you haven’t done yoga with me. This class is for you if you: In this …

How yoga can help in everyday life
So here is the question: Can yoga help in our everyday life? Do you know that having strong legs means developing back pain is much less likely?Do you know that the muscles of your legs affect your pelvis and your …

Move well now – yoga for joints, muscles and nervous system
Do you move well? Are you using all or most of your joints every day? Do you feel freedom in your movement? Are you in control of your body? If the answer to one or more of these is no, …

How can we move better
To answer the question how can we move better we need to start with fascia. What is fascia “Fascia is the biological fabric that holds us together, the connective tissue network of our bodies.”, says Tom Myers, one of the …

Yoga’s take on stress – the art of slowing down
I want to look into yoga’s take on stress today. Can yoga be used as stress relief and how does it work? We all know all too well what stress is. It can have many faces and names – irritation, …

New yoga courses – De-stress with yoga and Yoga for strength
Booking is now open for the new yoga courses after half term. Here are the details: De-stress with yoga Monday, 12 pm7 weeks, 1h classes. The ability to regulate our nervous system is a large part of our ability to …

How to start practicing yoga at home
How to start practicing yoga at home? Why do we need a manual for that? Practicing yoga at home can’t be easier, right? You just need a mat. Or maybe not, you can do it on the carpet. In your …